Saturday, September 1, 2007

'Kiss Me' I'm turning Japanese...


Wow! I can't believe that it has officially been two weeks since I arrived in Japan! Also, I have officially been teaching for a full week! Yesterday was a pretty "normal" day for me. When my last lesson canceled, Lauren and I were able to leave school early (at 7pm instead of 8pm) so we could make dinner!

While we were at the 100 yen store (Japan's version of the dollar store) the other day, it was Lauren's idea to make curry (here it's pronounced "cahhh-ray" with the "r" sounding sort of like a "d") and rice. You can't get any more authentic than curry and rice. I wish you could taste it but for now pictures will have to do...

Notice the balance of rice and curry, like ying and yang.

Today I had class until 2pm. Instead of leaving right away I stayed to organize and look through the library of teaching books that the school has provided for teachers like myself. It was pretty unorganized so I tried my best while looking for ideas. I saw some things but I wasn't in the mood to work hard, especially after working hard all week. I decided that I would take a bike ride around Makuhari (Bay Town) where the school is located. I found a some really cute stores, a playground, and almost got lost (but not for long). I also found a rival English school and I wanted to stop and spy in the window but I decided that would not be professional.

On the way home I took a little look around my town called Sodegaura because I haven't had a chance to explore it just yet. I passed by a restaurant called Mr. & Frying Pan Restaurant and giggled to myself. I wanted to spend more time but I was getting hungry for dinner.

I tried C.C. Lemon today, which basically reminded me of Wegmans' Lemonade pop. OH! I found mango gum in the convenient store and it was delicious. The also had peach, lime, green apple, grape, magic fruit, and "Kiss Me Watering Mint" (whatever that is?). These were all sticks by the way, not hunks like Bubba-licious. Random Japanese observation: the Japanese are really into French sayings on everything, especially clothing.

Next, I'll have to try that smiley drink. Whatever it is.

Be prepared for tomorrow! I'll be visiting Harjuku, known for it's crazy fashion-ites!


Hu said...

I wish you can slow down from here, but the sad fact is that the week slowly speeds up on you. Enjoy the scenery!

Leah said...

Natchan! He's the orange smiley drink. Yum! You can buy hard candies of the vending machine drinks too, in a bag that looks like a vending machine ;)

Anonymous said...

Well I followed your link for Harajuku and spent time reading all about the crazy fashion sensibilities in Japan! I learned about the Gothic Lolitas, Harajuku girls with Gwen Stephanie. I even looked at The Bathing Ape styles but I think you have to join their "club" to look at everything. I have a question about clothing. Nothing I saw looks vaguely all looked like a cross between Hello Kitty & urban guerilla! Are kimomos ever worn, or just for rare ceremonial times, such as weddings, or has that custom ended too? I have a 1950's photo album when my father was stationed in Japan, and all the women wore kimonos--did they wear them then or was it special for a photo with American GI's? Maybe the real story will be the entry on Fashion Scoop. Ms. Marg