Friday, August 31, 2007

Dog Crazy!

Americans are known for their doggy-dog love but the Japanese people take their love for "man's best friend" to a new level! About a week ago I saw a man riding his bike, which had two baskets. Here it's not uncommon for most people to have one basket in the front and another in the back. The funny thing about this guy on the bike was the fact that he was carrying four dogs; two in each basket! At the time I noticed it, I was going home in Hiroko's car. I couldn't help but point and say "Oh my gosh! LOOK!".

Lauren also showed me a special toy store. Half of the retail space is alloted for children's toys while the other half is for dogs. Special dog strollers are very popular here as are dog clothes (sweaters, hats, boots, shirts, and probably pants too) and anything else you could ever imagine for your dog. Yes, even specially doggy hair ties.

By the way, Hiroko's daughter-in-law is named Harumi and she will start helping out with the business type jobs at the school on September 10th.

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