Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tissues and Pine Cones


Over the past few days, it seems I have come down with a slight sinus infection. I have been trying to take care of myself before it gets worse: sleeping more than usual, drinking lots of warm liquids, and trying to remember to use my nasal spray. I will admit that it's often difficult for me to remember that last one. Anyway, I think and hope my cold is on it's way out. Just in time to enjoy my up and coming Golden Week vacation from May 3rd to May 9th!

Today, like any other Saturday, I worked until about 3pm and then took a short little trip into Shinjuku to see if I could find some books for my students. I got some ideas but I didn't want to purchase anything before doing some more shopping online. I was going to stay out a little longer but I decided against it. It was a little too crowded downtown for my liking; especially, since I was feeling a little under the weather.

Random Side Note: Lauren and I learned a new fact today! Her student, typically chooses a new American state to learn about every two weeks. This week he chose to learn about Maine. Lauren, like the good teacher she is, decided that she would quiz me with this question that she had learned after reading the Atlas to her student: "What is Maine's state flower?". I really had no idea and was absolutely astounded when she told me it was the pine cone. I didn't know a pine cone was even considered a flower, but yes, it does have the reproductive structures necessary to classify it as a flower. It also turns out that New Jersey is famous for its tomatoes. The things you learn about your own country while living in a foreign one. :)


alikins said...

feel better soon!!!

Hu said...

Hope you're enjoying your vacation!