Friday, November 2, 2007

Kaiten Sushi Fridays (KSF)


It's really late and I should be in bed, but for the first time in a while, teaching really made me happy today. Sure there were a few difficult spots, but overall, I really enjoyed teaching today. I was teaching all of my kids how to tell time. For example, someone asks "What time is it?" and in reply the other person says "It is two-forty-five.". I tried to be a little more organized and I think it worked out for the most part. Now I just have to stick with it and keep up the hard work. The last student I had today was so tried that he could barely think. I felt so bad for him and just wanted to let him go home and sleep. Sometimes I wish kids could just be kids. When I was his age I spent my after school hours playing outside and pretending I was Timon the meerkat from Disney's The Lion King. Maybe that explains something? :)

I also had my second Japanese lesson today. Ms. Ogino agreed to meet with me on Friday's to teach me some basics. She said that I was her first student that writes in Japanese hirigana rather than romanji (English characters rather then Japanese ones). That comment made me blush. Let's just say I have A LOT more to learn.

Friday means, kaitensushi. We asked Harumi if she wanted to go with us and when she said that her husband was picking her up we decided to head back home. A few minutes later when Lauren and I were about half way to the station, she called us back to invite us out to dinner with her and her husband, Masato. We had a great dinner and laughed a lot. I was really full at the end. I love fish!

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