Saturday, February 9, 2008

Quiet Time at Home


Although today was going to be a "bum" day for me it turned out to be quite productive. I had to go to Tsudanuma to pick up some craft supplies for class tomorrow and I also wandered into Starbuck's so that I could get some reading done. I got a large portion of my reading done and then I decided it was about time to head back home.

Since Valentines's Day is quickly approaching, Lauren and I wanted to do some fun activities with our classes. I've spend the past hour or two looking up information about why we celebrate this holiday and it's really quite interesting. If you want to check it out you can go to the History Channel's Website: click here.

Valentines' Day is celebrated a little bit differently in Japan. Only the girls will give presents to the boys they like. If the boy likes the girl in return, he will then return the gift three-fold on "White Day". Last week I asked a few of my students if they were going to give valentines and I was surprised by one of my five year old students who said she was going to give a valentine to two boys in her class. She is so cute.

Along the same lines, I told that same student about the tooth fairy this past week because she walked into class without her two front teeth. I heard about it later from her father who had his first lesson with me this past Saturday. He told me that his daughter came home asking if she could earn some money by putting her tooth under her pillow. Her father then explained to me the Japanese customs for loosing a tooth. If you loose it from your lower jaw, you are supposed to throw it on the roof for good fortune. If you loose it from your upper jaw, you are supposed to throw it under your house (all traditional Japanese houses are raised 6 inches for off the ground) for good fortune.

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