Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It has arrived!


Today as Lauren and I rode our bikes home, I could sense something different; "It is on its way.", I said to myself. After twenty years of living in Buffalo, my nose has come to recognize its distinct smell. Just before it comes for the first time, the air becomes colder and crisp. Your nose is first filled with the numbing cold. However, as you exhale the warm air from your lungs reveals a different scent; one that is both sweet and refreshing at the same time. It is almost just like the smell of a fresh towel from the newly washed pile of laundry or a freshly picked leaf of basil from your mother's summer garden.

Then came the news via email. "It is snowing in Shinjuku!", said Minsoo on Lauren's cell phone. Lauren and I literally ran to the back door, opened it and looked to see if it was snowing. Alas, all we could hear was the crackling of the grass as the cold wind blew over its brown tips. Thank you Buffalo for teaching me all I know about this wonderful form of precipitation. As soon as Lauren and I got back inside, I grabbed her arm and couldn't help but jump up and down repeatedly. Snow is such an amazing thing. I love it!

In other news, I was thoroughly in awe of my two classes of girls today. They were able to read on their own for the first time! I have been going over letter sounds for the past few weeks and today I think the concept finally clicked inside their heads. My older student, who will be going to an American university soon, wrote his first thesis statement today; he was comparing American and Japanese fashion. I should also mention that Keigo did his homework for today's class! Overall, it was a great day.


Anonymous said...

if i remember correctly, that apartment is FREEZING COLD right about now. stay warm! and sleep in the living room if you must. but DANG that hot shower never felt so good.

Anonymous said...

At first I didn't realize who you were, Matto, and then all at once it came to me. Thanks for the laugh. Yes, the apartment is "FREEZING COLD" but we are doing a good job of staying warm. I would like to thank the kotatsu table and the hatto (hot) carpet for that! February should be the coldest month so as long as we make it past that we should be ok! Take care! -Sheilabeila