Every fall, a group of people from my lab and other departments at Cornell organize a weekend camping trip to the Adirondacks. Last year I had to miss the trip but this year I was able to go. Christine, Christian, and I got to the cabin so late that everyone had already fallen asleep. Christian and I helped Christine set up her tent and then set up our own sleeping bags in the kitchen. It wasn't the ideal location but it was good enough.
Since it was Helen's birthday we stuck a bunch of candles in this stack of pancakes and sang to her. I think she enjoyed it.
Mappy watches as everyone else rushes around after breakfast.
Julia (aka Beef) is leading the group. This part of the hike was very flat but about half way up the path became steeper.
At one point we were just walking up a stream bed. The trees were amazing; growing up and around the boulders.
Stephen was always one step ahead of us.
Maybe I can move the mountain?
After hiking that mountain we had big appetites.
This is a benchmark. It's used by geographers as a reference point for our maps. I learned about these in one of my classes and it was interesting to see them in person.
We were already half way down the mountain when Ali came to tell us that Nate had broken his ankle. I gave Ali some Advil to bring back up the mountain and we continued down the path. There were already a group of people to stay with Nate at the top and we couldn't offer any extra help. While we continued down the path, the group at the top of the mountain prepared for Nate to be airlifted to the nearest hospital. Luckily, there was a doctor on the top of the mountain who was able to set Nate's ankle with a makeshift splint.
When the rest of the group got back we had hot soup and biscuits waiting for them. We were happy that they all got back safe and sound.
Chinese Lanterns

The Whole Gang!
lefft to right back row: Matt, Alexa, Julia (aka Beef), Mappy, Alex, Holly, Ali, Stephen, Francois, Trevor, Helen, Nate
left to right front row: me, Christine, Christian, Marie, Veronica

Nate's ankle was definitely broken.
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