Alyssa (aka Hammy) invited me to crew with her in the Ice Breakers Regatta today. We sailed on Toy, a 30 foot Catalina (this picture of the boat looks similar but is not exact) with five other crew members including: Dave (our skipper), Patty, Roz, Joe, and Suzie. Despite an hour delayed start due to a lack of wind, the race was quite fast paced and enjoyable. Alyssa and I made a great port jib sheet team; she manned the winch handle and I pulled in the line. After the race, we joined the rest of the sailors at the Buffalo Yacht Club for dinner and awards. Toy came in 6th out 11 boats.
Overall, I'm really glad that Alyssa invited me to join her. I do not have much experience sailing larger boats and it is great to learn new sailing techniques. The crew was very welcoming, friendly, and very patient. I'm thinking about going again this Tuesday night for the weekly China Lights race. These races are meant to encourage women to sail. Each participating boat must have at least one women on board.
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