After work today, Lauren and I met up with Ryo-chan in Yokohama. After getting something to eat for dinner we walked around and decided to ride some of the attractions in Yokohama's Cosmo World theme park.

Ryo-chan and Lauren

Looking Up at the Gigantic Cosmo World Ferris Wheel

It's a good thing I fulfilled the height requirement. ;)

First we went on the Spinning Coaster.

Ryo-chan and the Spinning Coaster didn't mix too well.

Waiting to Get on the Ferris Wheel

Air Conditioned Ferris Wheel Cars

Lauren and Ryo-chan giving the thumbs up as our ferris wheel ride commences.

A birds-eye-view of the Spinning Coaster. Personally, I found it quite enjoyable.

This picture was taken from the top of the ferris wheel's cycle.

This past Sunday was a popular Japanese festival where people write their wish on a piece of paper and hang it on a stalk of bamboo. All three of us wrote a wish and tied it to the bamboo stalks.

Ryo-chan won Lauren and I
Kapibara-san toys in the Cosmo World arcade playing the claw game. Lauren and I also took purikura.

Kapibara-san buddies for life!
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