One of my dearest friends, Minsoo, has decided to return to Seoul, South Korea. Therefore, in an effort to spend as much time with him as possible before he leaves, Lauren and I thought it would be a great idea for us all to take a field trip to the Ueno Zoo. The only other zoo that I have visited here in Japan is the Chiba Zoological Park. The Ueno Zoo was a little bit older than the Chiba Zoo but it was still very nice. We didn't have a chance to see everything at the Ueno Zoo so I will have to go back when I have some time. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day in Ueno.

As we were walking towards the entrance of the zoo we saw this man playing a traditional Okinawan instrument called a
sanshin. His playing was so beautiful (see the video below).

It was really interesting to watch how the elephant ate his hay; especially because of the nimbleness of his trunk. The movement reminded me of creek water rushing around a rock caught in its path. The elephant would wrap his trunk around the hay and then whack the hay against the iron bars of his cage. After he did this he would only eat half and then move onto the next piece. I thought he might be hitting the hay against the metal in order to soften it but I wasn't sure.

Even those it was a little cloudy and cold, these flamingos were as bright and cheery as ever!

Here are three snakes (one is not pictured) all cuddling with one another.

Time for a nap?

Frog notes at the Ueno Zoo

Of course I had to take a picture of the Japanese cranes.

I could not believe how close I was able to get to this alligator (crocodile?). It was a good thing their was a big, thick piece of plexi-glass between us.
Note: Please watch this video even though the image is off to the side. In the end, the sound is all that really matters.
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