Monday, June 28, 2010

SJ and the Mutant Strawberries of Deliciousland


My little sister, Sarah Jane, traveled all the way from Edinboro, PA to visit me in Ithaca for the weekend. It was her first time here and from what I could make of it she seemed to have enjoyed her stay. We made a lot of great food together (coconut curry and made strawberry jam), went on a hike/swimming adventure, picked strawberries, saw the Cornell campus, and I introduced her to some of my friends.

I hope she comes back soon to visit because there was so much that we didn't get to see: the Commons, Buttermilk falls, the climbing wall, etc. The list goes on.

Walking Along Six Mile Creek

Sarah Jane and I

Playing in the Water
(It was very hot out so standing in the water felt very refreshing.)

My Toes

We went swimming on the other side of this dam. The water was just the right temperature and it was fun to jump in. I was surprised at how many locals came out to swim here.

Sarah Jane and I picked strawberries at Indian Creek Farm on Route 96N.

Mutantz! (Sarah Jane found these guys.)

It's rather close to the end of the season so when we first arrived Sarah Jane and I looked out at the strawberry field and were a little nervous. We didn't know if we would be able to find enough berries to make jam. However as you can see, we were able to pick plenty of strawberries. :)

Strawberries with their Strawberry Picker

The strawberry jam brew: 4 cups of squashed berries, 7 cups of sugar!, some lemon, and fruit pectin (this makes it jelly-like). It's not too difficult except for getting the timing right.

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